Enneagram Coaching

What is Enneagram Coaching?

The Enneagram is more than your average personality test. It is a tool of inner discovery and growth that helps to identify core ingredients that make up one’s sense of self. Enneagram coaching, by extension, is the process of using this tool and the framework it provides in order to come to a greater understanding of self, and even how we see certain attributes expressed in relationships with others.

The main power of the Enneagram is that it reveals not only what a person does, but why they do it, or rather, why they continue to become trapped in particular patterns of behavior. The Enneagram itself is a nine-pointed figure, where each plotted point represents a basic personality type, a specific pattern of thinking and way of being.

Despite there only being nine main types, each personality is further understood to be modified by it’s “wing” type, the paths of integration and of stress, one’s development and alignment with God or their higher self, as well as by their instinctual variants. Thus, each person is truly unique and their identity with the enneagram equally so.

  • Greater emotional and psychological self-awareness at the deepest levels of belief and motivation

  • Increased perception in relationships and social dynamics

  • Managing interpersonal conflict at work and home

  • Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and blind spots

  • Developing leadership and effectiveness

  • Understanding and overcoming your resistance to change

  • Demonstrating resilience in the face of stress

  • Cultivating intentionality in career development and transitions

  • Increasing compassion and understanding for yourself and for others

  • Harness your unique strengths and inner power

  • Increasing self-confidence

  • Addressing and understanding patterns of thought and behavior that keep you stuck

  • Increase productivity, effectiveness and motivation

  • Improve your effectiveness on the job and ability to work well with others

  • Understanding your deepest values and beliefs, and your relationship with a higher power

Meet Your Coach: Corretta Woodard, LPC

& Founder of The People Place Counseling Center

I believe in the Enneagram and its power to unlock a greater understanding of self and others. It is something that I personally practice and have used to influence the way I consider myself and my own personal journey, as well as how I see those in the world around me. I can say that learning about the Enneagram has helped me to recognize areas of individual growth, as well as has helped me to shape the person that I am as a wife, parent, employee, friend and daughter.


Opportunities Available to You


Why “Me”? - Individual Sessions

For Enneagram Coaching, we have the opportunity to meet one-on-one in order to dive into a deeper understanding of you, using the enneagram as a framework for our time together. This option is perfect if you are seeking avenues for personal growth, as after our coaching sessions, you will leave with a greater understanding of yourself, your core beliefs and motivations, and in essence, why you do what you do. In our first session, we will work together to better understand your type, and work to be able to truly answer the question, why “me”?

If you’re not sure that you’re ready to begin with an individual consult, you may want to consider taking the Discovering You course offered online and at your own pace.


Connecting You + I - Couples

The Enneagram is not just for individuals! Knowing your type and your partner’s can help you to identify potential pitfalls that keep resurfacing in your relationships, and outline a path forward for reconnection. By looking at factors such as your core motivations, your alignment with the gospel, your communication and conflict styles, and your goals for the future, I am able to use this tool to help you grow closer to one another and to your divine nature.

Again, if you’re not ready to sit down with a coach, you can pursue the Becoming Us online course from the comfort of your own home and at the pace that feels right to you.

Team Us. - Family


As a parent, you also are able to unlock the power of the Enneagram in order to better understand your children’s personalities and reactions, as well as gain greater awareness of your own parenting style.

With young children, while we want to avoid labeling them, learning about the Enneagram types ourselves and teaching them too is helpful in leading them along their own path to self-discovery.

As a mom, I know that the Enneagram has been incredibly helpful in my relationship with my kids, as well as to better understand what causes disagreements between them. While my daughters can coexist quite nicely together, they both have different values when it comes to what makes them happy. Understanding this helps me to know how to steer the conversation, and how, for each one to frame a question to get positive results. 


All of Us. - Group

Whether you’re a business or a church looking to host a seminar about accessing the informative power of the Enneagram to change the way that your community or employees operate, I can help!

There are amazing insights available to you that will fundamentally change the way that you exist in relationship with others, based in increasing your knowledge of self, and furthering your empathy for others.

To get an individualized quote, please fill out this form and email it to dopetherapist@correttawoodard.com

“The Enneagram does not put you in a box. It shows you the box you’re already in and how to get out of it.”

–Ian Cron, The Road Back To You

Questions You Might Have About Enneagram Coaching


What are your qualifications to be able to provide Enneagram Coaching?

I am certified through a company called Your Enneagram Coach to be able to do this type of work.


How is Enneagram Coaching Different than Therapy?

Coaching is different from therapy specifically in the areas of focus that each seeks to remedy. Whereas a therapy session with me may involve diving into your past and dealing with difficult life experiences or be necessary when you’re encountering a specific problem, a coaching session is focused much more on your present understanding of yourself using the Enneagram as a tool for insight and growth.

Do I have to be a Christian?

The short answer is no!

Although I am well-versed in how the Enneagram relates to the gospel, the inverse is also true. If you are not interested in the Christian perspective, or would like to book my services for a group or business meeting, I can absolutely tailor the content to fit your needs!


Is the Cost Different?

One of the other main differences between counseling and coaching is that coaching is not a service covered by insurance.

For this reason, all Enneagram sessions are self-pay.

Businesses and churches looking to book a group session can reach out to be directly for a customized quote!

Do I have to be in the same state?

As enneagram coaching is a separate service from counseling, with a separate nationwide accrediting body (Your Enneagram Coach), I am not limited by state when it comes to offering my services!

This is great news! No matter where you live, as long as you have internet access, we can still work together to discover and explore the intricacies of this tool and how you can harness the power of the Enneagram for personal and relational wellness!

Get to Know the Enneagram Types.


Type One: Moral Perfectionist

This type is highly focused on what is ‘right’ vs. ‘wrong’, and core fears include being bad, unredeemable or corruptible. Pitfalls include falling into unconscious habits of setting unrealistic expectations and placing judgment- directed both at self and others


Type Four: Romantic Individualist

Fours often place their value in their own sense of unique-ness, feeling special based in what they believe they offer the world. However, their fears are rooted in the inverse: believing that they are tragically flawed, mundane or insignificant.


Type Seven: Entertaining Optimist

Those with a type seven personality focus on seeking experiences and stimulation in attempt to become fully happy, satisfied and content. They fear missing out or being trapped in emotional pain with no escape, and thus desire to ‘fill up’ on positive experiences instead.

Type Two: Supportive Advisor

This type is often characterized as “the helper” and seeks to avoid being thought worthless, needy or unworthy of love. They often do this at the expense of their own self-care and may end up pushing others away in their attempt to pull them closer.


Type Five: Investigative Thinker

This type’s main concern is in feeling capable and competent in what they do, with their fears resembling the opposite: being thought ignorant or incompetent, as well as not being able to protect valuable resources such as their time and energy.


Type Eight: Protective Challenger

Those with a ‘Challenger’ personality have many fears rooted in being weak, powerless, or in any other way vulnerable. Their main desire of protecting the self at all costs flows from their need to avoid feeling out of control, although this may come at a cost in terms of relationships.

Type Three: Successful Achiever

Threes tend to place a lot of focus on "success”, and fear incompetence, or being exposed as an ‘imposter’. While they are driven and motivated, they remain image-conscious and may present an un-authentic version of themselves.


Type Six: Loyal Guardian

Those who fall into the type six personality are often hyper-focused on those in their immediate environment. They desire security and support from those around them, and without it, they fear being alone, targeted, or physically abandoned.


Type Nine: Peaceful Mediator

Nine’s often find their identity in their desire to live in harmony with others and have also their own sense of inner stability. They fear living in conflict and discord and lost connections with others. Often they merge with those in their world at the expense of their own opinions and desires.

Quick Tips for Getting Started with the Enneagram


Discover Your Type!

This is the first step for any coaching session, and will be the focus of our consultation call and especially the first session that we will have together!

Although I’ve listed out brief descriptions of the nine types above, this is just the beginning! As I’ve described, each type is organized around a core motivation (avoiding fears, pursuing desires), as well as has a core weakness and longing.

If you don’t know your type, follow this link to find a free assessment.


Learn About All the Many Layers!

Once you understand your main type, learning about the many compounding layers to the Enneagram is helpful in our ultimate journey to understanding ourselves more deeply and fully.

After learning your type, you can move on to discover which wing you most closely identify with, as well as learning about your core conflict, coping, and relational style, as well as how we tend to react in growth or in stress.

Book a Coach Today!

The world of the Enneagram is vast and can feel complicated and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!

Schedule a coaching session with me today, and we’ll work together to discover the many layers of you, and how we can use this knowledge to change the course of your life and impact your relationships for the better!

Again, if you’re not ready to commit to a session, check out the Discovering You online webinar. I’ll be here to answer your questions and help you discover next steps once you’re ready!

Contact Me Today.

I am excited to walk alongside you in your journey into greater understanding of yourself.

Pairing my passion for the Enneagram and confidence in its ability to be an incredible tool for greater self-awareness and discovery, I’m confident that at the end of this journey, you will find a deeper and richer understanding of yourself.