
Individual, Life, Depression and Anxiety Corretta Woodard Individual, Life, Depression and Anxiety Corretta Woodard

Why Don't I Trust Myself? A Look at Self-Doubt

Rarely will we make it through life without having an experience of self-doubt. For some it’s seasonal: the beginning of a new job or career path, putting yourself out there to meet new people after a move or a break-up, or other meaningful life transitions like getting married, becoming a parent, or becoming a parent to a teenager. 

For others, self-doubt creeps in right alongside depression and anxiety and takes hold of your mindset, your motivation, and the pen in your hand as you write the story of your life…

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Trauma, Individual Corretta Woodard Trauma, Individual Corretta Woodard

What is EMDR and How Does it Work?

When you have been through a difficult or traumatic life experience, it may have been suggested to you that you try EMDR— a new and promising form of treatment.  Although it has become more popular in recent years, many still struggle to understand what EMDR looks like, and perhaps even more importantly, how it works…

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life, Individual Corretta Woodard life, Individual Corretta Woodard

Discovering Your Values

Values give us a ‘code of conduct’ to follow, and can be thought of as rules or guidelines that we live by. They are a kind of compass that guides you. Our values speak of what we believe in, what we stand for, and what is important to us.

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Individual, Life Corretta Woodard Individual, Life Corretta Woodard

Notice the Choice Points

If you were able to look back on your life in slow motion, could you begin to pinpoint the exact moments when you made choices that changed the entire trajectory of your life? These can be the big life decisions like where to move or who your life partner is or whether or not to change your career. Choice points can also be the small daily interactions you have with your day that impact your perspective.

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Life, Individual Corretta Woodard Life, Individual Corretta Woodard

The Journey Towards Self-Forgiveness 

Have you been in the midst of trying to forgive yourself for a mistake and a friend comes along and tells you to just “let it go”?

I wish it was that easy to put down the burden and move on, but more likely, deeper healing needs to occur. Carrying around guilt and shame can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders with nowhere to lay down that load.

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Life, Enneagram, Relationships Corretta Woodard Life, Enneagram, Relationships Corretta Woodard

The Enneagram & Its Uses

Most of us ponder the questions “Who am I?” or “Why do I do the things I do?”. We’re curious about the motivation behind our actions, and often we look to outside sources to help us better understand ourselves. While personality tests and quizzes like “Which character from The Office are you?” are interesting and fun to take, the Enneagram contains spiritually-guided wisdom and has a unique perspective that can aid people to feel a closer connection to themselves, their values, and better understand the patterns that exist throughout their life.

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Life, Individual, Growth Corretta Woodard Life, Individual, Growth Corretta Woodard

Moving On: Walk and Talk Therapy

Signing up for therapy can be daunting to consider. Sitting across from a stranger and being willing to tell him or her about your past and pain is hardly anyone’s first choice. It can be difficult to imagine being that vulnerable, being that willing to open up and let someone else in, especially when we imagine the setting of such an intimate encounter. Often we think of a dimly lit room, devoid of personality, closed off and silent like you’re tempted to be.

What if the scene was shifted? What if instead of four walls, a desk, and a stranger, you saw trees, felt fresh air, and heard the sounds of life around you?

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Individual, Growth Corretta Woodard Individual, Growth Corretta Woodard

Finding Your Wings

Think back to the process of growing up. Do you remember growing pains? Physiologically, what happens is that as our bodies stretch and grow; our joints become sore. Sometimes we might even tell our parents about that mysterious soreness, and to our surprise, they chalk it up to “growing pain”.

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