Being “Unapologetically Dope” is a continuous process, embraced daily by The People Place team.

It means making a decision each day to be the best version of yourself, no matter what!

un·a·pol·o·get·i·cal·ly d·o·p·e


Unapologetically means "without regret" and Dope means "the best" or "great"! Combining and embodying these words, you'll find that you're able to become the best version of yourself without regret about your past life experiences...with nothing holding you back!

For our team, being Unapologetically Dope starts with a willingness to be (especially in the therapy room) an authentic and transparent version of ourselves.

Transparency is being willing to share our story, and helping our clients not solely based on what we know from school, but based off what we know from real life, what we've tried, what we've implemented, and what we know works.


The People Place Values:







Faith - It is through belief in something greater than ourselves that we can find healing.

In the art of Spiritually- Integrated healing, we take our cues from the Ultimate Healer. In this marriage of clinical skills and biblical principles, I am able to craft an atmosphere of safety, empowerment and healing. This echoes back to the work of Jesus, who in many ways, was the first trauma-informed therapist. In every healing encounter of Jesus recorded in the Bible, we see this culture created.

Hope - Rediscovering our vision for what life can be is the motivation that keeps us going.

Many times we come to therapy lost, directionless, unsure of the possibilities available to us, and especially unsure of our own capabilities. When at first it feels overwhelming, I’ll hold onto hope for you, and we’ll walk hand in hand throughout the entire healing process.

Love - Knowing and experiencing love for self & love for others is life’s ultimate pursuit.

Often on the path of life, we pick up false beliefs about ourselves as broken, unlovable, and fear being “found out” for the fraud we believe ourselves to be. Choosing to embody a love for self, in spite of our supposed flaws is the key to allowing us to create lasting and fulfilling relationships.

Authenticity - In willingness to be honest and embrace vulnerability we can let others in.

On this journey together, I am willing to join you in the pursuit of transparent and authentic living. As you trust me with your pain and hurt, you’ll find that you feel less overwhelmed, and healed through the power of being truly seen.

Diversity - You’re not just welcome here, you are celebrated.

The People Place is focused on providing therapy from a diverse group of professionals with varied backgrounds, cultures, races and genders. You deserve a therapist that understands your lived experience and worldview. When you’re on the same page with your therapist about what’s important to you, your goals are closer within reach. 

Being “Unapologetically Dope” is about not asking for permission to be yourself, not shrinking for others, and resting in your own sense of what makes you Dope!

Our mission

At The People Place, we see our role as actively shaping the treatment environment by infusing it with the powers of faith, hope, love and authenticity.

In creating a safe place for you and your family, and offering tools, guidance, and feedback, together we can unlock your true potential.


Your vision

Our goal is to partner with the expert in your life, which is you.

We want to help you dream and discover the life that’s waiting for you, and take steps together to make it your reality.

How can we best come alongside you in your journey?